Gallium oxide
Reprinted from J. Huso, M.D. McCluskey, Y. Yu, Md. M. Islam, and F. Selim, Localized UV emitters on the surface of Ga2O3, Scientific Reports 10, 21022:1-7 (2020).
Monoclinic gallium oxide (β-Ga2O3) is attracting intense focus as a material for power electronics, thanks to its ultra-wide bandgap (4.5-4.8 eV) and ability to be easily doped n-type. Because the holes self-trap, the band-edge luminescence is weak; hence, β-Ga2O3 has not been regarded as a promising material for light emission. In this work, optical and structural imaging methods revealed the presence of localized surface defects that emit in the near-UV (3.27 eV, 380 nm) when excited by sub-bandgap light. The PL emission of these centers is extremely bright – 50 times brighter than that of single-crystal ZnO, a direct-gap semiconductor that has been touted as an active material for UV devices.
To investigate this PL emission with submicron resolution, a PL map was generated with a Klar Mini Pro UV microscope equipped with a 355 nm CW laser and Ocean Insight Maya2000 Pro spectrometer. A hydrogen-annealed sample was mapped at a spatial resolution of 700 nm, for a total of 1.8 × 107 spatial (x,y) points, while the reference was mapped at a spatial resolution of 600 nm for a total of 2.7 × 106 points. The integration time was 10 ms per point. The 3.27 eV peak was fit using a bi-Gaussian function using GPU acceleration.
The figure shows a PL map of the entire hydrogenated sample. Weak defect emission was observed everywhere, but especially bright regions were detected as well.
Map of the PL intensity of the 3.27 eV peak for a hydrogenated gallium oxide sample.
To see where these bright emitters come from, the researchers took a scanning electron microscope (SEM) image and compared it to the PL map of the same area. The SEM image shows surface pits that were caused by hydrogenation. The long axes of the surface pits are aligned along the c direction. As shown in the figure below, there is a clear correlation between these surface defects and defect emission intensity.
SEM image (left) and map of the 3.27 eV PL intensity (right). An overlaid image is in the center. The defect emission intensity strongly correlates with the surface pits.